SFB1309 "Nikolaus Symposium 2022"

2022-12-05    10:30

The SFB1309 Nikolaus Symposium 2022 will take place on Monday, 05.12.2022

Venue: Conference room (L00.010), ICEM, building L

It is also possible to participate via zoom:

https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/98433139995?pwd=Wk0rVXRDNVRuNUpPMmdna1p4Zi9pQT09 Meeting-ID: 984 3313 9995
Kenncode: 551716


10.30 am - Welcome

Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell
LMU, Germany


Prof. Dr. Shankar Balasubramanian (Chair: Thomas Carell)
Cambridge, UK

Title: "G-quadruplex DNA structures in biology”

11.20 am

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Winssinger (Chair: Ivan Huc)
University Geneva, Switzerland

Title: “Converting interactions into actions"

12.05 pm

Coffee break and poster session

2.00 pm

Prof. Dr. Hana Cahová (Chair: Sabine Schneider)
Prague, CZ

Title: "Non-canonical RNA caps - from their discovery to their role"

2.45 pm

Dr. Olivier Duss (Chair: Anja Hoffmann-Röder)
EMBL Heidelberg, DE

Title: „Assembly, dynamics and function of single RNPs"

3.30 pm

Closing remarks

LMU München (ICEM) - Lecture hall L00.010, Würmtalstrasse 201, 81375 München