2023-10-08 15:00
SFB 1309 Retreat October 8th - 11th, 2023 Tagungszentrum Alpenklausur, Klosterhotel Ettal "Ludwig der Bayer", Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz 10-12, 82488 Ettal
from 03:00 pm Arrival and Check-in at Klosterhotel Ettal
06:30 pm Dinner, followed by get-together at „Bräustüberl“
09:00 am C08 Franziska Traube
"Using spatial proteomics to study epigenetic changes in hematopoietic development"
09:20 am C07 Ivan Huc
"Foldamer-based protein recognition"
09:40 am B03 Axel Imhof
"DNA mimic foldamers affect chromatin composition and disturb cell cycle progressions"
10:00 am Coffee Break
10:30 am Germano Cecere
"Small RNA in epigenetic inheritance"
12:00 am Lunch Break
02:30 am A02 Michael Sattler
Christoph Müller-Hermes
"Conformation and dynamics of an A-to-I hyper-edited dsRNA"
02:50 am A04 Thomas Carell
Henning Nissen
"The symmetry of epigenetic bases in the genome"
03:00 pm Coffee Break
03:40 pm C09 Anne Schütz/Benjamin Fingerhut
"What defines the structure of tRNA? The role of epigenetic modifications
and electrostatics quantified by NMR spectroscopy and theory"
04:00 pm C03 Hendrik Zipse
Kuangjie Liu und Hendrik Zipse
"C-H Bond Activation in Modified Nucleobases"
05:00 pm Guided tour in church of monastery
06:30 pm Dinner and get-together
09:00 am B08 Pavel Kielkowski
"Developing Chemical Proteomics for Tubulin Code Characterisation
During Neurodevelopment"
09:20 am B02 Bernhard Küster
Shuyao Sha
"Characterization of protein-RNA interactions regulated by protein acetylation"
09:40 am B05 Stylianos Michalakis
Anna Winkler
"Impact of Tet3 knockout on the murine retina"
10:00 am Coffee Break
10:30 am Guoliang Xu
"Enzymatic oxidation of DNA for epigenetic regulation of development and adaptation"
12:00 am Lunch Break
02:30 pm C06 Franz Bracher
"Sirtuins (Type III lysine deacylases) –
new subtype-specific inhibitors, new biological activities, new off-targets"
02:50 pm B04 Andreas Ladurner
"The nucleic acid poly-(ADP-ribose) at the interface of DNA damage,
RNA methylation and innate immunity"
03:10 pm Coffee Break
03:40 pm B09 Sabine Schneider
Özge Simsir and Olga Hofmeister
"Epigenetic modifications in RNA"
04:00 pm C01 Eva Huber/Michael Groll
Rachel Sonntag
"Enzymatic tRNA Modification - ct6A Biosynthesis"
04:30 pm Poster session "Rosner Aula"
06:30 pm Dinner and get-together
- Please check-out until 10 am -
09:00 am A07 Kirsten Jung
Sebastian Riquelme
"The complex role of m6A mRNA modifications in bacteria"
09:20 am A08 Peter Pascal Giehr
"Chasing non-canonical nucleotides using Third-Generation-Sequencing"
09:40 am A05 Jörn Walter
10:00 am Coffee Break
10:30 am C04 Christian Ochsenfeld
Andreas Hulm
"Understanding RNA Modification by Pseudouridine Synthases
with Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
10:50 am B06 Robert Schneider
Katharina Arnold
"Novel Crosstalk between Epigenetics and Epitranscriptomics"
12:00 pm Lunch Break
14:00 pm Departure
Klosterhotel Ettal „Ludwig der Bayer“ Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz 10-12 82488 Ettal
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Chemische Epigenetik (ICEM)
Department of Chemistry
Würmtalstrasse 201
81377 Munich
Mailing address:
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
81377 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180-77750
Fax: +49 (0)89 2180-77756
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Management: Dr. Nada Raddaoui
Institute for Chemical Epigenetics Munich (ICEM)
Würmtalstrasse 201, Building L, Room 03.004
81377 Munich
Mailing address:
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
81377 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180-77755
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretary: Birgit Carell
Institute for Chemical Epigenetics Munich (ICEM)
Würmtalstrasse 201, Building L, Room 00.007
81377 Munich
Mailing address:
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
81377 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180-77751
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
website support: Martina Schuster
Prof. Dr. Lena Daumann
LMU Munich
Department of Chemistry
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
House D, Room 3.075
81377 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 2180 77486
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Dr. Sabine Schneider
LMU Munich
Institute for Chemical Epigenetics
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
House L
81377 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 2180 77716
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Dr. Martin Sumser (Coordinator)
LMU Munich
Institute for Chemical Epigenetics
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
House L
81377 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 2180 77765
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Contact IRTG 1309 related
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